Thursday, November 25, 2004


Larry woke me up a half an hour ago by walking into the office here and nudging me on the futon. Apparently for the second time. I'd been asleep for two hours.

"The meal didn't have that much effect on you, did it?" Larry asked.

All that food. All that wine. So little sleep. Yes, it did.

Larry came in to tell me that Dr. Brodeur and Andy had moved on.

Larry, having only slightly gotten me awake, moved into the other room to watch "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" on HBO with his partner David.

"What movie is this?" Larry asked David.

"It's that one with, um, Steve Martin and Danny DeVito," David blasphemed.

At that, I woke up completely and stormed into the room.

"JOHN CANDY!" I shouted. "Danny DeVito's NOT in that!"

At that, Larry laughed, saying that the clear way to wake me up is to make mistakes on movie trivia.

Larry said he'd tried to wake me up to say goodbye, even placed his cat on my chest.

"I put Murray on top of you," Larry said. "But he got bored."

"Don't put Murray on me," I said. "I'm allergic. No wonder I'm congested."

"Oh whatever," Larry said.

Then, we all finished watching the movie, which I last watched last Thanksgiving.

Then, I swear to God, Larry, who once tortured me over my suggestion of Velveeta Shells and Cheese - and today suggested that Velveeta was part of the Works Projects Administration or something, said the following thing.

"That sweet potato casserole was very good, and I don't just say that lightly," Larry said to me. "I'm going to need that recipe."

Then Larry turned back to the book he was reading, which was one that I brought over in the hope that one of the two of them would like it.

It's called THE CURIOUS INCIDENT OF THE DOG AND THE NIGHT-TIME, which I've not read yet. But now Larry's told me that it's completely brilliant.

It's the small victories, I'm finding, that taste best of all.

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