Thursday, November 04, 2004

Some points.

Slept very well. Feeling better.

* A friend who hadn't read my London blog entries just e-mailed me and complimented me on them, telling me to make them into a book.

* Hey, this is a fun website. Any company want to sponsor me?

* My mom said she'd try to help me clean my apartment this weekend (for I'm really going to need some assistance because apathy and exhaustion keep me from doing it myself). And it gives me some time alone with her, so that's cool. I can talk to her about her new job.

* Last night's episode of LOST was good.

* I'm supposed to attend a screening of UNDERTOW tonight with Ron, and it's gotten really good reviews. I'm choosing to see it above BEING JULIA and ALFIE. (Yeah, I'm choosing to see a David Gordon Green film above a movie where Jude Law probably takes his shirt off about a million times. Thus, I'm more "film geek" than "gay man.") If you guys don't know David Gordon Green's stark, Southern movies, you really ought to go to a highbrow video store and rent some stuff.

* I sold some DVDs, which should alleviate some financial woes until I get paid again ... and should help me fund my prescription refill.

* Vic's reading some new books I had sent to her, so that's cool. But I can write a more complete post on those later, for those of you who like me when I'm a critic and salesman here.

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