Wednesday, January 28, 2004

House of Ash and God.

OK, this is why I don't like Ash. I sent him an e-mail asking him to contact me if he needed anything.

This was his reply.

I need... nothing and no one! I am superhuman! I am a GOD!!!

But thank you ever so much for asking! I wish I had a phone # to give
you, but I don't even have a cell phone right now. Order will come
eventually. For now, if you need me, call my work phone and leave a
msg there. I try to check those msgs every day (even Sunday).

Ash claiming to be a god, even when it was a joke or some kind of ridiculous, philosophical stance, led to our breakup eight years ago. I don't know why, but this sort of mocking, false, egomaniacal bravado - and his equally annoying "I will not be governed by your morality" excuse for sleeping around, running red lights and robbing bookstores - just irks me. I can't tell if he's delusional or if he's just convinced that his running schtick is funny.

I mean, his house burned down. It's OK to be vulnerable when your house burns down. Or, at least, if you want to put on a brave face, put on your own brave face - not that of a god's.

If he was a god, couldn't he have controlled that? Beyond that, couldn't he have used his powers as a deity to assure that the cat remained warm without the use of an electric heating pad? Would a god really find much use in a plasma-screen TV set?

If Ash continues to jokingly or seriously refer to himself as a god, I think I'm going to excommunicate myself from our - whaddya call it - bad-weather friendship.

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