Tuesday, September 07, 2004

I can "Gosh" better than him.

Poli Sci Guy and I have been arguing for over a week over "Napoleon Dynamite." He adored it. I mean, he apparently just laughed and laughed and laughed in the theater, and he's been doing a Napoleon Dynamite impression for days.

I hated the damn movie. It was boring, senseless and not particularly funny. I told Lupo and Dr. Neupert, the film prof, that I didn't like it. They went to see it and didn't like it for the same reasons, so I felt validated.

Strangely, though, my Napoleon Dynamite impression is better than Poli Sci Guy's.

That makes me feel like a whore. I mean, if I can do a good impression off a bad movie, then it gives the impression that I support the film.

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