Monday, November 29, 2004

This weekend, I did ...

* Write a character sketch and determine a basic plotline for a new short story. I also discussed my long-in-my-head "Consequences of Falling" project. (No, long-time readers, it is not yet dead.)
* Make the sweet potato souffle for guests at Larry's Thanksgiving, and it was, as reported, a rousing success.
* Edit out some of the phone numbers I no longer call on my cell phone, but I didn't edit out the numbers I shouldn't call.
* Work at the bookstore on Friday until the cold I contracted kept me from being able to do much work. I also attended a Sunday "holiday" meeting that was confusing and ran a bit long.
* Spend a little more than I usually do and shopped a bit. But I also didn't spend more than I have, and I paid off my American Express card and cut it up.
* Did not refill my prescription for Luvox yet, but, on a night that I couldn't sleep, I did manage to watch about 12 episodes of THE O.C. on DVD - getting me from their Thanksgiving episode to their Passover one - AND I cleaned my apartment up a bit and took out the garbage.

* Did listen to the U2, but I did not listen to it over and over. The album I listened to over and over this weekend was "69 Love Songs, Vol. 1" by Magnetic Fields, which my friend Lupo had already touted to me before Andy raved about it at Thanksgiving. I also got Damien Rice's excellent album, "O," which you must get if you have not already; and I bought The Killers' "Hot Fuss."

* Did read a short story from a notable author, though not John Cheever or Graham Greene. I reread J.D. Salinger's "A Perfect Day for Bananafish," which was quite satisfying.

* Did not read WIZARD OF EARTHSEA, though I did read a portion of Ian McEwan's AMSTERDAM.
* Discovered that I'm on track to make my production goal at my office, even if my quality numbers this month are bad. And I also found out that I hate corporate-speak. I said something this morning about 9:15 being the latest acceptable time-of-arrival - but that it was strongly preferred, though not required, that I arrive sooner, and my friend Ash said that I sounded like a character from OFFICE SPACE.
* Did call him briefly. I did not hook up with him. I, instead, spent an evening with someone else, and that was nice.

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