Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Domestic and imported.

Last night, I finally carried the "refreshments" left over from the high school reunion from my car to my refrigerator. I didn't know, at the point where I volunteered my car as a carrier, that I would actually end up the possessor of such goods, but I wrote my friend Dena to ask what she wanted me to do with the fortysomething bottles of Budweiser that we had left over.

"What do you want me to do with all this beer?" I asked her.

"Can't you drink it?" she asked me.

So I now have beer in my house. Lots and lots of beer.

I'm tempted to sing a song about all those bottles of beer, but I don't want to hurt the wallpaper in my kitchen.

Guests, if I ever have any, are going to think I'm a Bud man. This is likely a problem, as I usually only drink Bass Ale and Woodpecker Cider.

I tried the Budweiser last night, and, though it wasn't bad, it wasn't really my taste.

I'm thinking that I could use the bottles of beer to lure curious frat boys into my apartment for the next two years, but that seems uncharacteristically predatory of me. Maybe someone has a beer exchange program somewhere, or I could donate it to homeless alcoholics.

Meanwhile, I was browsing Amazon UK today to see the variety of different merchandise that we can't get in this country, and I saw that Britpop idol Robbie Williams, formerly of my ex Welsh Guy's favorite boy band Take That, has a new greatest hits album coming out in Britain. And I want it.

I thought about having it shipped, but it seems silly to pay shipping on something that I should probably be a little bit embarrassed to be buying, maybe.

But I love Robbie Williams, the earlier crossover stuff and the great swing album moreso than his last one.

Lupo once impressed me by telling me that he'd been to a Robbie Williams concert that included a moment when Robbie walked onstage wearing only a towel.

Then an idea hit me.

So I e-mailed Miss Gibson and asked her if she would mind too terribly picking it up for me and bringing it here when she sees me next month.

I figured that she and I should start some kind of low-key smuggling operation for when we make trips across the Atlantic, like when I stocked up on Girl Scout Cookies for her before my flight to see her in April.

Hopefully she won't mind getting me my Robbie fix.

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